Some people like to have little procedures done here and there to stay looking their best. But the vast majority fear undergoing surgery, especially when it comes to facial cosmetic surgery.
In the following example, we will see how and why a resident living in a Beverly Hills neighborhood may choose drgolshani.com after careful research. This framework also works wherever you live.
The Internet Research Phase
Mary moved to Beverly Hills to pursue her acting career. After a while, she became a well-known Instagrammer too. Lately, Mary decided to create an Instagram Story about getting lip injections. It is her way of motivating herself to do it. It is also the first time she has had any plastic surgery.
Like everybody else, she starts by looking online for plastic surgeons and finding countless results. At this point, the site drgolshani.com is just one of the millions appearing on the screen. But then she types more details in the search bar. She adds her location and the name of the procedure.
She does not want to fly to Beverly Hills, New South Wales. So she also types “California.” She visits many sites on the first page, among which drgolshani.com as well.
Narrowing Down The Results
Meeting a board-certified surgeon is the best bet for Mary’s safety. So, she looks for certifications and proof of expertise. Eventually, she finds Dr. Daniel Golshani from drgolshani.com, who has an Instagram account like her. On his Instagram profile, Dr. Golshani shows hundreds of Before & After pictures of his work. After a while, Mary discards all the surgeons without a photo gallery.
Mary focuses on the Before & After photos that involve lip injections. Then, she reads the most convincing websites to get a sense of how the staff handles their patients. In the end, she has picked three potential candidates.
After making an appointment with the two surgeons that offered online consultation, Mary got a clear idea of their services. She found out about the place where the surgeons perform surgery. And she inquired about recovery and fees.
Dr. Golshani replied to further questions promptly. Instead, the other surgeon took over 24 hours to write a simple email. And when she later sent a quote request, the friendly drgolshani staff replied with a detailed document. Mary felt comfortable with both the surgeon and the staff. So, she went ahead and booked the procedure with Dr. Golshani.… Read the rest